Tag Archives: thoughts

girl he calls [Harlot]

Reel 1

i stand on my mark. a black X beneath my feet. the foreground to a marbled gray backdrop. i am naked. exposed. with a V etched into my skin. above my heart. my freshly branded scarlet emblem. it does not stand alone. circled in red paint. slashed through. (no smoking. do not enter. no shirt. no shoes. no service.) he said i was stained. dirt on his white pant suit. a smudge on his camera lens. my body distorted by his idealism like a window coated in a thin film of rain. the camera losing focus. a grainy photograph. everything in black and white. captured. framed stills. my face smeared into gray scale. i am unrecognizable. i no longer exist. he placed a black bar of censorship over the ugly parts. pieces. fragments of me he would never touch. he tried to solarize me. turn me inside out. make me into something other than what he saw before his eyes. his (finger)prints covering what was left of me. or what he wanted to see of me. all he saw were the negatives.

writing process

writing a novel is scary. scratch that. it’s terrifying. i honestly have no idea what i am doing. when i sit down to work on it i often find myself closing my computer and walking away. ideas can be flowing through my brain up until i am sitting in front of that screen. cursor flashing. the curse of a perfectionist.

overwhelming thoughts: check.

avoidance: check.

wanting the story to write itself: check.

when it comes down to it, i think i am scared to expose my characters to other people. they have been with me for years. slowly developing into the people i want them to be. what if i let them out into the open air and no one likes them? what if no one believes their story? what then? their story is my story. i have long forgotten where they end and i begin. they are my friends. they are my heart. they are


yesterday i was able to work on it for several hours. i made some progress. not much, but some. little steps, i keep telling myself. even after i finished though i had half a mind to scrap it all. crap. all crap. i was consumed by the thought of how pathetic my dialogue was. i wanted to “toss it in the trash.” those hours of work would have been gone. erased.

but instead i will probably avoid it for yet another week.

or so.

the whole story is trapped in my head. waiting to come out. bursting at the seams to come out and onto the page. why won’t it just flow from my brain to my fingertips?

i was looking for a challenge when i first set out to write this thing. and a challenge is what i found.

a precious side note

I wanted to take a quick minute to thank everyone who follows my blog. It amazes me that so many would want to read the words that tumble out of me and onto the page. I no longer feel as though I am writing to the eternal abyss that is the internet. It encourages me to keep writing. To never let the words fall silent.

Again, thank you.


note to self:

from Donald Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, quoting Robert McKee

i went for a walk today

today was another sluggish day. no writing done. yet. maybe later i’ll find energy somewhere to work. the day job has been leaving me exhausted this week. maybe it’s the weather too. i can’t handle the bipolar weather patterns. just bring me sun! but the evening was clear so i went for a walk today. here’s a piece of it for you:

dear stranger

Today is a day where words are few. I am tired and my creativity is almost nonexistent. So I thought I would leave some pictures from my weekend. Think of them as postcards showing you of the places I’ve been, things I’ve seen.

Dear Stranger: here is a glimpse of the world through my eyes. Sincerely…


i looked for you in cracked and splintered hymnals     empty pages filled with bar staffs and treble clefts     eighth notes and crescendos     thee(s) and thou(s)     i thought i would find you in dilapidated pews     eaten away by dust and Sunday’s best dressed     in the smell of original carpet     in kaleidoscope images of stain glass     i held my breath and counted     waiting to hear if you were in the exhale of a pipe organ     a tune tired and gift wrapped by tradition     i thought i would find you on coattails and hemlines     left my hands dirty and fingers pale


i did all the do(s)     stayed away from do not(s)     felt the burden of a heart under heavy guard     walking hand in hand with my own shadow     silhouette of one





so i left a confession on the page










[he sought sanctuary behind the doors of a cathedral

protection from shadows misdeeds corrupted ways


                                                                        other things



a lack of light

a cavernous stone fortress

columns reaching like outstretched arms

clutching at darkness



his eyes catching a priest

lighting candles

                                    one                by one                                       by one


            wax dripping off wrought iron


                                                       onto stone



an erratic dance of a hundred flames

extended silhouettes of pilgrims


                                      lost souls




stain glass eyes of saints

following his every movement

his every glance

whispering                                                   (no forgiveness, no grace, no mercy)


                                                Thou shalt not kill


                                                                                 or desire another’s wife

condemnations creaking past pews

and into his ears                                          






fractured light on marble floors echo sounds

of shuffling feet

clicking rosary beads


acts of worship muted by burning wicks

in the nostrils of patriarchs


holy water catching light from a holy source

displacing ashes falling among the sinners





he sought pardon behind the door of a confessional

candle light creeping through the screen separating him from a priest

        disfiguring the intercessor’s face


                                                                      Forgive me father for I have                  sinned






                    Forgive me father










                                                                                         Forgive me








he sought sanctuary behind the doors of a cathedral

protection from shadows


a lack of light

a cavernous stone fortress

columns reaching feebly like outstretched arms

clutching at darkness]






                                 but what i found is


             you are like the moon and stars in the night sky

                                                         lighting up my darkest hour

                                                           i found you on the shoreline of the wind

               making waves for a beautiful awakening



                                         i found you in a radio melody breaking and entering                               

this thing in my chest

                                                     i felt you in lyrics washing over from head to toe



               i felt you in the thud of a bass drum

                                                                   vibrating up through my feet


           jump starting a heartbeat that had fallen silent




today i awoke and forgot about you

snapshot no. 99

photo by Enrique Ruiz

photo by Enrique Ruiz

Things had not been good between Aly and J.F. It was one of those rare days of sun in Portland and though it was still cold enough to chill her to her bones, Aly felt hopeful that the day would be a good one. J.F. had become irritable and distant in the last several weeks leaving Aly to feel as though she was walking on unstable ground. She never knew what side of him she was going to get.

Nevertheless, Aly decided she was going to make the most of today. She loved days like this.

After church, she and J.F. decided to go to lunch in downtown with their friends Ethan and Jade. She always looked forward to spending time with them. When J.F. was in one of his moods they helped to relieve the loneliness she felt.

The original plan had been to get lunch at two different Italian restaurants and compare meals while they people watched along the Waterfront. Aly was disappointed to find her favorite place closed, but it was decided. They would go to the one J.F. preferred.

J.F. parked the car and went to pay for parking while Aly, Jade, and Ethan piled out of the car. As Aly climbed out of the passenger seat she heard Ethan exclaim about stray dog poop sitting on the sidewalk near his door.

“Dude I almost stepped in that crap!”

Jade was laughing and trying to get air.

“That would’ve sucked to be the one to step in it,” Aly laughed as she came around to the sidewalk.

J.F. walked up to put the parking sticker in his window, “What happened?”

Jade pointed to the abandoned pile, “Ethan almost stepped in dog poop.”

J.F.’s eyebrows went up in amusement.

As they fell into step in the direction of the restaurant, J.F. and Ethan took the lead leaving Aly and Jade to bring up the rear. It had been awhile since the girls had seen each other and both were glad to have a few moments to catch up. The late winter air sent a chill down Aly’s spine causing her to bury herself further into her coat, but the sun was out. That’s all that mattered.

Lunch was pleasant. The waiter was witty and kept them laughing. As they waited for the food to arrive the four of them had fun drawing all over the table top. Aly could not remember the last time she had drawn with a crayon. She felt like a kid again. Drawing pictures all over blank pieces of paper as her teacher read to her class after recess.

Walking back to the car after the meal it was decided the sunshine was not going to go to waste. Since eating lunch at the Waterfront had not gone according to plan, it was determined they would drive across the river and walk along the east side. The sun had shifted since they had been inside and the cold was starting to seep in.

Aly felt it crack and pop before she realized what had happened. She let out a scream of laughter. “Gross! I stepped in the poop! Yuck!”

“I heard it! Sick.” Ethan was fighting back a smile.

Aly ran to the curb to try and scrap it from the bottom of her shoe.

Both Ethan and Jade were laughing. J.F. had an enormous grin on his face. Aly could not help but laugh either. “That’s what I get for my comment earlier.”

With that they all jumped in J.F.’s car and drove toward the other side of the river.

They parked the car near OMSI and headed for the nearest dock. A father was fishing with his young son while another man sat playing his violin closest to the ramp. J.F. pointed out the no fishing sign and Aly giggled, “Guess the sign doesn’t include them.”

“Guess not.”

They all stood there for a few moments enjoying the scene. Aly especially liked the music floating out over the water. Music had a way of moving her soul. And she was lost in it before she realized J.F. had left her side and was heading back up the ramp. She ran to catch up with him and slipped her arm through his. They made their way down the sidewalk stopping to read the information plaques giving the history of the river and its animal life. Ethan and Jade had passed them and had found their way to the propeller that sits as a memorial for local naval officers who lost their lives protecting their country. Ethan wanted a picture with Jade in front of it so Aly stepped back next to J.F. as he took the picture. It was their turn next and Aly could barely keep her eyes open due to the sun shining directly in her eyes. It was painful but she did not care. There was sun. That was the most important thing. J.F. was wearing his pair of Shwood sunglasses she had given him for Christmas. She could not help but think how good they looked on him.

Suddenly J.F. grabbed Aly and tried to set her onto of the joint of the propeller. She screamed and protested.

“Are you scared of heights?” he asked.

“No! I’m afraid I’ll slip off. There’s no way I can stay up on that thing.”

“Yes you can. Try,” he lifted her higher.

They were both laughing, and Aly protested more before J.F. put her back on her feet. Ethan and J.F. tried to climb the blades but the metal was too smooth for them to successfully reach the top.

Ready to move on they headed toward the submarine where The Hunt for Red October was filmed. Aly did her best Sean Connery impersonation trying to get J.F. to laugh, but all she was rewarded with was a courtesy chuckle. J.F. and Ethan were determined to sneak onto the submarine without a ticket and check it out, but Jade and Aly hung back. They were not about to get caught in there. As much as Aly wanted to go in, the thought made her anxious. She could feel her chest tighten and though she was not claustrophobic, the thought of being in such a tight space, underwater no less, made her nervous. She was content to wait with Jade out in the open air.

J.F. and Ethan did not get very far. There was a man just inside the door and informed them the only way they were getting in was with a ticket.

After the failed attempt at having a mini adventure, the group found themselves standing by the railing that snaked its way along the sidewalk protecting passersby from falling into the river.

Aly and Jade started laughing as Ethan and J.F. were oblivious to Jade’s phone filming them. Once they heard the laughter they turned to see what was going on.

“You two look like you are modeling,” Aly said. “Strike a pose! Work it!”

With that both started to strike poses not realizing they were on video instead of having pictures taken. This sent Aly and Jade into more fits of laughter. Finally they told their male model boyfriends they had been caught on candid camera. Ethan and J.F. came over to see the video.

“Dangit! I can’t find it. I don’t know how to work my new phone,” Jade exclaimed.

“Did you scroll through your camera roll?” Ethan took the phone from Jade and tried to find the evidence. No such luck.

“Here try going back,” J.F. interjected.

“Ugh I thought I was filming that whole time.”

“Shoot! It would have been so funny!” Aly was disappointed. She wanted to see J.F. and Ethan’s expressions.

Aly was not sure how long they had been at OMSI but her hands were starting to feel like ice, and the sun was beginning to disappear.

The group began heading back toward the car. Aly had not realized how far down the walk they had gone, she had been enjoying herself too much. J.F. and she were in front, and the distance between the two couples grew. J.F. had his hands in his coat pockets which she accounted was due to the cold. Aly slipped her hand into his pocket as she usually did. She liked feeling connected to him, even though things had not been good between them lately. Occasionally she would look back and see the distance had grown between J.F. and her, and their friends. Ethan and Jade made her smile. She loved them and thought they looked so cute together holding hands, lost in conversation.

J.F. and Aly walked on in silence. They did not talk much these days. Or rather, he did not talk to her much these days. Aly was not sure from what point along the walk until that moment it happened, but she sensed more that saw J.F. withdraw from her. She felt unstable again and glanced back at Ethan and Jade for reassurance. It suddenly struck her that even though it was cold they were still holding hands. She was not sure why it had hit her so hard, but she felt as though her joy began to crack and crumble. She wanted what they had, a closeness and safety in being with each other.

Its not like this was the first time, but every time he stuck his hands in his coat rather than hold hers she justified it to herself that the cold was the culprit.

The loneliness she had begun to feel every time she was with him was back. It hit her like a bullet to the chest. Now she felt as though her heart had become shaky, delicate and breakable.

Aly was lost in thought when J.F. leaned in and asked, “Do you think that’s a little girl or a midget on that scooter?”

“It’s a little girl and technically she’d be called a ‘little person,’” she teased him.

He ignored her attempt at breaking the tension, “She’s not a little girl. Look at her body proportion.”

“Yes she is. Her father is right there next to her.”

“How do you know it’s her father?”

“I just do!”

“Quick we have to catch up and find out.”

Aly laughed. “You go then. You’re legs are longer than mine, and you can come back and tell me what you find out.”

“Come on. We’re losing them.” J.F. had taken off at a speed walking pace, but with her 5’3” frame to his 6’4” she practically had to run. Despite the pain creeping into her heart she laughed and tried to push him forward to in order to cure his curiosity. When he would not go she broke into an all out run. He caught up with her easily, but the figure on the scooter with the curly white blonde hair evaded them.

“Well I guess we’ll never know,” Aly said as she came to a stop to catch her breath.

They stood there breathing heavily for a moment and she could not tell if J.F. was frustrated with her about not finding out if the mysterious figure was a little girl or a little person. Anyway, it did not matter. They were back at the parking lot where they had left his car. His hands were back in his pockets and she slipped hers back in seeking his warmth. Ethan and Jade were still about a hundred yards away. Once again silence engulfed them.

It was a few minutes until J.F. broke the quiet tension.

“Did you notice I was holding my keys instead of your hand?”

It was as if she had been slapped across the face, but she would never let him know. She looked up and saw the cruelty in his eyes. The smirk on his face sent a shiver through her body. And just like that Hyde was back.

“You always do that so I didn’t even notice.”

At that moment Ethan and Jade finally caught up with them. Aly had not realized she was holding her breath until they were in close proximity and she began to feel oxygen in her lungs again. As the four made their way to J.F.’s car she withdrew her hand. Aly pushed her hands deep into her own pockets. She felt her heart stop and her body grow cold.


does she know what you are?

your sweet venom leeching into her veins

your eyes already wandering for the next

bet you hypnotized her with all your talk of honor

and acts of chivalry

masquerading on a high horse

hiding in the grass when no one watches

does she know you wanted me to warm your bed?

wanted to try me on for size

your sweet venom leeched into my veins

nearly stopped my heart

your poison lips smoldered against mine

threatening to take life from them

your serpent tongue left fire on my desert skin

tried to break me

left me burning up as you went cold

needing heat from another

embers & flame threaten

willing to burn away

leaving only a trace of your malice

ashes of your selfishness

thought i’d give in

thought i’d give it up

let me burn

let me smolder

take your fire to another’s bed

leave me to be overcome by the flames of your sensuality

your sex


rain is coming